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Here you'll find news and information about current and upcoming events related to the preschool. Please like our Facebook page for up to the minute information.

Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party was a huge success! It was a brilliant evening filled with lots of fun and dancing. We raised a total of £216.05 which is amazing and we cannot thank you all for your wonderful support, we really do appreciate it!

Charity Easter Family Prized Bingo

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We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out to support this event. 

We raised a grand total of £585 which is incredible. It was amazing to see the community come out to show their support, we hope everyone had a great time and we cannot wait to organise another one!

Also, a big thankyou to everyone who donated prizes. We couldn't have put this event on without really it much appreciated. 


Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM Meeting on Monday 27th March. We really appreciate your support towards the preschool.

Upcoming Events

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